Monthly Archives: March 2011

watch out world


in case you weren’t able to view the video in the previous post, here are a few pictures of carter riding his bike without training wheels. and for those of you wondering, i was not in the video because i was making sure the street was free of cars before carter barreled into it. πŸ™‚


the day was not without a tumble or two,

which results in a few bumps and bruises that carter proudly showed off,


he then informed me that i need to buy him some elbow and shin guards the next time i go to the store… πŸ™‚



opening day


this weekend carter’s baseball team, the red sox, had their season opener. i’m pretty sure that after three innings the score was something like 56 – 54. carter went 2 for 2 and was thrilled. he was less thrilled with playing “defense” which he found incredibly boring.

here’s the play by play,

#7 is up to bat,

he waits for his pitch and…

hits a grounder to the third baseman and runs to first

and barely beats the toss to the first baseman!!

safe!! yea, carter!

his team had a lot of fun – the only downer of the game was when this week’s snack parent forgot to bring snacks (gasp!). Β she immediately sent an apology email to the team and, after a close vote, we’ve decided to let her son stay on the team. πŸ™‚ let this be a lesson to future snack parents – snacks are THE most important part of the game for these little guys. great game, red sox!


visit with grammy


earlier this week grammy came to town and a great time was had by all, as evidenced by the pictures below. grammy brought lots of toys and surprises, which thrilled carter and halle beyond belief! they now believe grammy is a millionaire, despite the fact that their much-prized gifts came from the dollar store. πŸ™‚


big announcement


this little person is…(drum roll, please)…wearing underwear!!



she’s been doing pretty well, nonetheless, i’m avoiding parks, long car rides, errands of any kind, and pretty much any activity that does not offer immediate, and i mean IMMEDIATE, access to a bathroom. πŸ™‚



recent questions from carter that left me speechless…

what time does Jesus go to bed?

when will halle be older than me?

what words rhyme with oven?

how do you say “japanese” in spanish?

what does freedom mean?

do you want to see the huge hole i just dug in the backyard??




carter and halle have a “pet” – freckles, the bunny rabbit! i use the term “pet” loosely as freckles is really just a bunny rabbit who happens to visit our yard almost every day. jon has declared freckles the best pet ever because,

1. he doesn’t live in our yard, but visits frequently

2. we don’t have to feed him

3. we don’t have to walk him

4. we have no real responsibility for him, and yet…

carter and halle are completely enthralled by him and believe that s/he is our pet and they decided to name him this week. because we see freckles almost every afternoon they believe he truly lives in the backyard. they look for him and most times are able to locate him in the afternoon. i’m going to try to take a picture of our “pet” for the blog, as this is likely the closest they will come to actually having a pet for some time… πŸ™‚