Monthly Archives: April 2017

Easter prep


on friday we attended an awesome good friday service and participated in stations of the cross – here are carter and halle attempting to carry the cross at one of the stations,

on saturday both carter and halle got to participate in the Ahwatukee Easter parade! halle danced with her dance troupe and carter represented little league,

she was exhausted after dancing for a mile! 

after all that fun it was off to nana’s to dye eggs, 

and now we are ready for the big day…and everyone’s hoping the Easter bunny will bring treats tomorrow!

spring visitors 


march and april are some of the best months to visit phoenix, and we were excited to have grammy and marty visit recently – in their short trip the saw halle’s soccer game, carter’s soccer game, and carter’s baseball game! 

we love having guests!! 🙂 

hello april


where did march go? we must have missed the change in months among all the sport activities! 

halle’s soccer team ended the season undefeated!! the purple coyotes played so well all season – here are a few highlights,

and this coach worked pretty hard too 😉

in addition to halle’s soccer, carter’s soccer season recently ended as well – his team played 45ish games in six months!! they did awesome as well. 

baseball and basketball are in full swing now – more pictures coming soon!