Monthly Archives: December 2011

searching for carter k


this shot was taken at one of carter’s recent chess tournaments. children from all over the valley come to these events and they are quite a spectacle.  the organizers take the entire competition VERY seriously and parents aren’t allowed anywhere near the “competition area” during game play. they even give parents a 30 second countdown to leave the room.

carter’s been playing chess for almost four months now, and he really enjoys it, especially the competitions. they give out some pretty huge trophies especially at the kindergarten level 🙂

this already??


picking up carter from school. girl walks by and says hello…

me: who’s that girl?

carter: her name is natalie. i have a secret with her but i’m not going to tell you. it’s something you do after you’re married and it’s NOT kissing. it’s spelled “h-a-g” and that’s all i’m going to say!