Monthly Archives: December 2016

end of year fun 


carter and halle had their summative presentations at school last week. carter gave a terrific presentation on space exploration,

and he made some cool space-related tools!

halle took us on a tour of a rain forest for her presentation! we learned about animal habitats and animal adaptations,

nana and papa were such a patient and wonderful audience! 🙂 it’s unbelievable how much they both learned this quarter – we love their school! 

rocky mountain high


just before Christmas we visited friends and family in durango, colorado. this one loves a road trip! 🙂 

we had so much fun even though it was soooooo cold! we stopped at Grammys house to see her first, 

Look real snow!!

then we visited the brach family which was so fun. and for the last two days we hit the slopes of purgatory!! 

the skiing was fantastic!! and carter and halle did so well. we were all able to ski together and carter and jon even did a few blue runs! we were cold cold cold at the end of the day halle and i warmed up with hot cocoa,

the last day in durango we woke up to snow falling from the sky which was so awesome, 

they were freezing but took this quick picture for me 🙂 there were blizzard conditions on our way out of town but thankfully we made it home safe and sound! 

art show


carter’s art club had a super awesome art show this week! carter walked us through his work and showed us all the neat things he made,

it’s hard to get a real smile with the braces these days, so i had to settle for these half-smile/half-smirks instead 🙂